Objectives of Close Protection
Always keep thinking about being D.E.A.D.L.Y. while you're working! - DETECT everything that seems out of place. - EVALUATE your...

Golden Rules of Close Protection #11(!)
CHEATERS NEVER PROSPER. Never approach, engage in conversation, trespass or attempt to steal another CPO’s client. This is the unspoken...

Golden Rules of Close Protection #10
PEOPLE COUNT! That says it all. Always have a positive "let's get it done" attitude during every operation. Be the solution not the...

Golden Rules of Close Protection #9
KEEP YOURSELF AND YOUR GEAR IN TOP CONDITION This statement says it all. You are dependent on your equipment so keep it top shelf! If...

Golden Rules of Close Protection #7 & #8
#7 Don't Get Emotionally Close or Personal. Getting too close to a principle will cloud your judgment and affect your ability to make a...

Golden Rules of Close Protection #5 & #6
#5 Know Your Limitations. If you can't do something, admit it and learn how to do it. Never say that you can do something that you cannot...

Golden Rules of Close Protection #4 Don't Show Emotions
Don't Show Emotions. Emotions have no place on a team. I don't care how you feel. I care about how you perform your function on my team....

Golden Rules of Close Protection #3 Never Complain
Never Complain. No matter how hard the deployment or mission is, don't complain. Complaining only hurts the morale of the team. It does...

Golden Rules of Close Protection #2 Don't Tell Stories
DON'T TELL STORIES. Never tell clients any high-speed stories, even if they ask you for them. The fact that you served or did what you...

Golden Rules of Close Protection #1 Be Humble
BE HUMBLE. I don't care how high speed you are or what you did in whatever branch you served or under whomever you studied martial arts....